Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fine and Coarse Aggregates in Concrete Gradation Essay

Fine and Coarse Aggregates in Concrete Gradation - Essay Example Any aggregate that should be used for any construction must be based on certain quality information. Such information can be obtained after experimental tests have been done on the sample and measured to ascertain its standards. Basically, ASTM C33 is one of the accords for concrete specification for both fine and coarse aggregates (Ward, 2004). From the graphs, the fineness modulus can be obtained for both coarse and fine aggregates. Normally, the entire mass of the material should correspond with the original mass after sieving and should not be greater than 0.3%.If the results is greater than that value, then it should not be used because it will have exceeded the acceptance level (Ward, 2004). According to ASTM C 33, an aggregate which can fail to meet the sieve analysis provisions might be accepted, that is if it validates that the concrete prepared with such fine aggregate will have crucial properties andshould comply specific requirements. On the other hand, when a specified grading is chosen, close control should be done in order to minimise disparity. If a wider deviation is used in coarse aggregate ensued on a certain project, it is recommended to adjust the mix proportion in order to obtain a workable and effective concrete (Ward, 2004). Finally, the ASTM C 33 requires that, for any ongoing consignments from any source, the fineness modulus of a fine aggregate should not be more than 0.20. Furthermore, if the fineness modulus is very much different from that used in selection of proportions, then adjustments should be made in ratios of fine and coarse aggregates. Maintenance of uniformity in production of aggregates is more economical and cheap than adjustment of variations in grading. It can be deduced that the fineness modules depends on the coarser or softness of the material. The coarser the aggregate the higher the fineness modulus, similarly the finer the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Communication - Assignment Example In the high-context cultures of Japan, China, Arab nations, and most of Latin America, the use of ambiguity and a polite language is the preferred way of conveying a message, while in low-context countries of Scandinavia, the United States of America, Germany, and most of Europe, direct and often frank or confrontational ways of communication are much preferred (â€Å"say what you mean!†). Verbs, metaphors, aphorisms, similes, anecdotes and even silence are used in the high-context cultures to deliver a strong message without diluting its importance (Norales 25). Some key elements of text messaging which should be avoided in electronic mails or e-mail messages are writing informally (since an e-mail is considered more formal than a text message sent by a cellular phone or any mobile device) such as not putting proper headings or proper greetings to the recipient/s, using shortened versions of commonly-used words, usually not checking for proper grammar or spelling mistakes, an d not crafting a good subject line. A person's professionalism shows through in his or her work output; any spelling or grammar mistakes is indicative of a lousy work attitude by not properly checking for these mistakes or errors and having a hectic or busy schedule is no excuse for committing them. A really professional office worker takes time to proofread everything before sending them out, and it is reflective of a good work attitude such as giving due attention to details. It forms part of being a professional such as wearing proper office attire or having a cheerful attitude to all colleagues. So it is a fair basis for making judgment about a person and his work habits as any error-free document shows that person took time to be diligent (Lindsell-Roberts 18). Comprehension implies knowledge and understanding to denote the fact of grasping the meaning, importance, significance, or nature of a thing or an event. In this regard, the idea of comprehension is usually universal bec ause it indicates that if everybody comprehends the same thing or event, there is a general agreement on what it means or its overall significance. On the other hand, interpretation is the act or process of explaining something, such as natural phenomena that was observed, and the way it was comprehended or understood but with the additional layer of being subjective, because the person who interprets something does so in a way that is colored by his own beliefs, customs, knowledge, skills, and even prejudice or bias. There can be different interpretations of the same thing but only one comprehension of it. A provocative question is any question which seeks to instigate or cause arguments, actions, discussions, or even problems and quarrels from the other party to which a question has been addressed to. A provocative question can either be good or bad, depending on the context and intent for which it was originally posed or asked. It is good if it aims to promote a new line of think ing, for example. It is bad if it creates dissension or division or even anger. A question is authentic

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Self Determination Theory And Career Aspirations Education Essay

Self Determination Theory And Career Aspirations Education Essay The purpose of this article is to explore the five components which relate self-determination theory to career aspirations. The first component is vocational education reform in Thailand, followed by how to undertake social cognitive career theory effectively, then self-determination theorys influence over career-decision making, and students career aspirations and career choices. Moreover life goals, intrinsic and extrinsic aspiration perspectives, which is the most significant focused issue to achieve students career aspirations for future research. Present research indicates that career decision-making self-efficacy is more strongly associated with career indecision than career decision-making autonomy. In order to verify carefully whether self-efficacy perceptions are strongly related to career indecision than autonomy. Self-determination theory will be discussed as a theory of work motivation to show its relevance to theories of organizational behavior. This paper concentrates o n the issues raised by Kasser and Ryan [13] as cited in Ryan and Deci [20] [4] which divided aspirations into two categories; intrinsic aspirations and extrinsic aspirations. It detailed the processes through which extrinsic motivation can become autonomous, and current research suggests that intrinsic motivation and autonomous extrinsic motivation are both related to performance, satisfaction, trust, and well-being in the workplace which also correlate to career aspirations. This is an important issue contributing to understanding vocational students career aspirations for the future. Key-Words: motivation, self-determination, Social cognitive career, career aspirations, aspiration index, life goals, vocational student 1 Introduction There are many different approaches to understanding human characteristics which are complex and extremely important [6]. After all, all people are individual. They may relate to experience in a study with different and unpredictable emotions and attitude [17], but there is evidence to illustrate how a few key basic theoretical principles help organize and increase our understanding of the motivational processes, determinants, and outcomes on a variety of life contexts [24]. In addition, motivation explains why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to pursue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activity. Motivation is the progression of instigating and sustaining goal-directed behavior [24]. This is cognitive explanation because it postulates that people set goals and employ cognitive process (e.g., planning and monitoring) and behavior (e.g., persistence and effort) to attain their goals. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was believed by people such as Sigmund Freuds, that the concepts of motivation were basic human instinct and the drives to be unconscious motivation [6]. The middle of the twentieth century was dominated by conditioning theories related to behaviorist physiology, many of these research forming habits were based on experiments with animals rather than with humans. Moreover, the 1960s brought about further important changes. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, they are famous behaviorism of that time, humanistic psychologies who identify details motivation into people lives. In this famous Hierarchy of Needs by Maslows 1943 were conceptualized five basic classes of needs, which were able, defined as: Physiological needs, safely, love, esteem and self-actualization [6]. However, the focus in the character in motivational psychology at present is characterized by cognitive approaches. The aim is on the individuals conscious attribute, thoughts, beliefs and interpretation of events and how their influence their behavior. It should also be noted that current motivation researches shown many alternative sub-theories that dominate motivational approaches. From overall picture these include Brophy, Ecceles and Wigfield which show how the human expect achievement and value outcome (Expectancy-values Theory). Locke and Latham gave directions about human action is caused by a sense of purpose. Thus, goals have to be set and pursued by choices. Covigton focused on perceived self worth that people are genially motivated to behave in ways that put them in a better light (Self-worth Theory). Atkinson and Raynor were expressed knowledge about motivational achievement that is determined by positive achievement influence about the success and negative achievement incentive to avoid self failure (Achievement Motivation Theory) [6]. The aim of this paper is to review literature relationship of Self-determination and career aspirations by discover the five components ; first is vocational education reform in Thailand, Then , How effective Social Cognitive Career Theory, follow by why self-determination theorys influence over career-decision making , and students career aspirations and career choices. Moreover life goals: intrinsic and extrinsic aspiration perspectives, which it the most significant focused issue to achieve students career aspirations for the future research. 2 Vocational education reform in Thailand In developing a countrys competitiveness, development of the middle-level manpower is one of the main issues to be considered. Thailand realizes the importance of this matter and emphasizes the need to increase vocational and training contains National education Bill which is going to be in force in the very near future [2]. Vocational education was systematically initiated in Thailand in 1898 in which the increment of interests began to rises. The vision of the Vocational Education Commission is to produce and develop vocational manpower at all levels for the general public [27]. The current strength situation of vocational education in Thailand has more than 800 vocational education institutions (public/ private). The public have quantity to 404 establishments all over country including the urban and suburban cities [27]. There are currently over 1 million students enrolled in the various vocational study pathways. Eight fields of study are undertaken as majors: trade and industry, agriculture, home economics, fisheries, business and tourism, arts and crafts, textiles and commerce [27]. The weakness of current situation concern the lack of unity in terms of policy guidelines. The country does not have a master plan for human resource development. This is reflected by employer which state the graduates have weaknesses in both theory and practice. The issues of curriculum and the process of training must be addressed [2]. Vocational education need to produce new technology and also generate new jobs. It has been very difficult to improve vocational education in Thailand particularly due to economic crisis in 1997. The state policy has not been sustained due to the frequent changes of government. It is expected Thailand will have shortest of human resources in main industry area for the next 5-10 years. There was a necessitate administrative system should promote unity in policy guidelines and variety in management such as networking between educational institutions [2],[1]. Hoffmann and Scott cited in Bhumirat [2] recommended according to Atagi [1] on challenges educators to continue to seek better curriculum and career opportunity programs to overcome the institutional that may interfere with students aspirations. 3 How effective Social Cognitive Career Theory Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) is the integrative theory of academic and career-related interests, preference, performance, and satisfaction of students. SCCT were extends Albert Bandura universal Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) to academic and career behavior. Bandra and Brewer beliefs on people are more likely to act based on their beliefs [11]. According to Schunk [22] statement that SCT is a difference perspective on motivation that relevant to learning. Following this line investigation has identified many cognitive processes encourage students, as like goals, social comparison, and self-efficacy. The contributions of SCCT were based on 25 years of research and applied experiences by Lent [14]. This can be view as conceptual professional improvement intervention. Lent, Brown, Hackett [15] provided frame of SCCT that was inclusive of academic interest, preference, and performance be able to examine how career and academic interests mature, how career choices are developed and how these choices are turned into action. The perspective on SCCT is accomplished reflection on three primary tenets: self efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals. Self-efficacy refers to the beliefs of people have about their ability to successfully complete the steps required for a given task [9]. These beliefs regularly changed base on interactions with other people, environment, and ones own behavior. Lent expressed the relationship between the individual self-efficacy improvement on or after personal performance, learning by example, social interactions and how they feel in situation. Outcome expectations are beliefs related to the consequences of performing a specific behavior. Extrinsic reinforcement, self-directed consequences and basic task understanding can be tied to outcome expectations. These expectations are often influenced by self-efficacy, especially when outcomes are based on the quality of a persons performance [15]. Finally, goal is the key role in SCT has that refers to success and outcome of actions. Goals give people tunnel vision to focus on demands of the tasks and to persist at the task orientate [23]. A goal is defined as the decision to begin a particular activity or future plan [9]. Lent, et al. [16] studied on race and gender may limit or expand exposure to various careers, or may persuade how a person inspection the possibility of achievement related to particular interest. Bias and role socialization are also relevant to this concern. They recommended future research on career and academic interest for science and engineering majors. 4 Self-determination theory influence Career-decision making The reflections on self-determination (SDT) from over the past 25 years were recommended to future research that is reasonably bright [24]. It noticeably presented the great heuristic power from the three basic theoretical principle give a hand to understand motivational progression, determinates and outcome in variety of life context. SDT is an approach to human motivation that highlights importance of three elementary; psychological needs autonomy, competence, and relatedness [20]. The interested functional support to this study in terms of supporting peoples psychological needs on three basic areas must be satisfied in order to experience a sense of well-being. White and de-Charms [20] proposed that the competence and autonomy needs are the basis for intrinsic motivations and performance. Notice, this is a relationship between peoples basic needs and their motivations. In term of autonomy originate that, autonomy offered people extrinsic rewards for behavior that is intrinsically motivated this may undermined the intrinsic motivation as they grow less interested in it. Initially intrinsically motivated behavior becomes controlled by external rewards, which undermines their autonomy [25], [5]. Further research by found other external factors like deadlines, which restrict and control, also decrease intrinsic motivation. Situations that give autonomy as opposed to taking it away also have a similar link to motivation. Studies looking at choice have found that increasing a participants options and choices increases their intrinsic motivation to said activities [24]. The competence commented it is giving people positive feedback on a task increases peoples intrinsic motivation to do it, meaning that this was because the positive feedback was fulfilling peoples need for competence [24, 5]. Negative feedback has the opposite effect decreasing intrinsic motivation by taking away from peoples need for competence. The competence implies that individuals seek to be effective in their communications with the environment. According to SDT, perceptions of competence will not enhance optimal functioning unless accompanied by a sense of autonomy. The need for autonomy implies that individuals strive to experience choice in the initiation, maintenance and regulation of human behavior. In particular, the terms perceived competence and perceived autonomy refer to the fulfillment of these psychological needs [11]. Future more, the need for relatedness supports intrinsic motivation in a less key way. In the study for career aspiration found that relatedness (i.e.,need to have positive and significant relationships) is weakly related to career indecision [11]. Gange and Deci [8] studied about cognitive evaluation theory, shown effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, received some initial attention in the organizational literature. Gange and Deci initiate that differentiating extrinsic motivation into types that differ in their degree of autonomy lead to SDT, which has received widespread attention in the education, health care, and sport domains. They were describing SDT as a theory of work motivation and illustrate its significance to theories of organizational behavior. 5 Students career aspirations and career choices Follow from our inquiry; what is your career aspiration? Is that relate to your career choices or discipline that you studying now? Brought us to studied prior research about career aspirations and career choices. Guay, et al. [11] found a negative relation between self-efficacy in career decision making and career indecision. More specifically, students who have strong self-efficacy expectations about their career choice process have. Autonomy and control orientations were positively related to self-exploration and beliefs in relation to the instrumentality of career decision-making exploration. The present results indicate that career decision-making self-efficacy is more strongly associated with career indecision than career decision-making autonomy. More research need to be in order to verify more rigorously whether self-efficacy perceptions are more strongly related to career indecision than autonomy. York [28] studied on gender differences in career decision making. Research had found that parents and peers behaviors strongly influence career decision making. The promotion of perceptions of self-efficacy and autonomy can reduce career indecision. And autonomy supportive ways may help students develop their autonomy and self-efficacy to support their career decision making. The less autonomy supportive and the more controlling the parents and peers, the less positive are students perceptions of self-efficacy and autonomy toward career decision-making activities. In turn, the less positive students perceptions are, the higher their levels of career indecision. Thus, they focused on gender differences that women perceived their parents and peers as more autonomy supportive and less controlling than did men. In addition, women perceived greater autonomy and self-efficacy but less career indecision than did men. Whiston as cited in Guay, et al. [11] studied shown that only womens career indecisiveness was negatively correlated to the quantity of control as well as organization within the family (i.e., this relation was no significant for men) and that both womens and mens career decision-making self-efficacy is positively related to the degree to which families encourage and support independence and participation in a variety of activities. According to research on gender differences has typically shown that women present higher levels of autonomy than do men. However, the research does not usually report gender differences on career decision-making self-efficacy and career indecision. Many of studied have linked career indecision to interpersonal and intrapersonal processes without paying attention to how interpersonal and intrapersonal factors are related to career indecision. 6 Life goals: intrinsic and extrinsic aspiration perspectives What are your life goals? This is the question refer to your own aspirations? When we talk about goals, we can talk about short term goal such as having good grade in this subject, but long term goals, future goals, life goals or aspirations are things drive as a powerful process in thinking their ideal future. According to Elliot and Dweck [7] studied shown that after people have their own aspirations they will motivate them self to turn this vision of the future into reality. As our focusing significant issue by Kasser, Ryan were divided aspirations into two categories; intrinsic aspirations and extrinsic aspirations. The researched propose an instrument to measure people life goals level, called the Aspiration Index [4],[5]. Aspiration Index refers to peoples life goals are intrinsic aspirations contain life goals like relationship generatively and personal development (viz. meaningful relationships, personal growth, and community contributions) versus extrinsic aspirations (viz. wealth, fame, and image). The Aspiration index participants rate allow importance to themselves of each aspiration, their beliefs about the likelihood of attaining each, and the degree to which they have already attained each [4]. Prior research by Deci and Ryan on this aspirations index has revealed found in a Long study in period of time shown that well-being was enhanced by attainment of intrinsic goals, whereas success at extrinsic goals provided little benefit. Initial evidence suggests that controlling, uninvolved parenting is associated with the development of strong relative extrinsic aspiration, whereas autonomy-supportive, involved parenting is associated with the development of stronger intrinsic aspirations. Ryan, Huta, Deci [21] pointed out on eudaimonic belief (human happiness) in well-being studies. The model of eudaimonia that is based in self-determination theory were expressed that eudaimonic is cored on what it means to live a good life, a life representing human individual excellence. On the other hand, at the between-person level, it was people who engaged in numerous eudaimonic movements or have eudaimonic goals (happiness life goals) who consistently had high life satisfaction and a high level of positive influence. 7 Conclusions Ryan, Sheldon, Kasser, and Deci [5] argued that the pursuit and attainment of some life goals may provide greater satisfaction of the basic psychological needs than the pursuit and attainment of others, and that those providing greater satisfaction would be associated with greater well-being. Kasser Ryan [5] recommended that, because of these expected links to basic need satisfaction, pursuit and attainment of intrinsic aspirations would be more strongly associated with well-being than would pursuit and attainment of extrinsic aspirations. Furthermore, self-determination theory has detailed the processes through which extrinsic motivation can turn out to be autonomous, and research suggests that intrinsic motivation (based in interest) and autonomous extrinsic motivation (based in importance) are both related to performance, satisfaction, trust, and well-being in the workplace which it related to career aspirations [8]. We notice that there are little research reported so far on the common motivational processes that connect family aspirations, cultural ideals, or personal goals in a distant future with classroom motivation and achievement in differences discipline are missing mostly unexplained. Studied outlined a research agenda that will be significant for supporting the use of SDT as a theory of work motivation and career aspirations.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Trial in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: Kill Mockingbird essays

The Trial in To Kill a Mockingbird The trial of Tom takes up a great deal of space in the novel because it gives Harper Lee a chance to do an in-depth exploration of characters and situations. The people involved in the case are Bob and Mayella Ewell, Tom Robinson and Atticus Finch. The alleged rape of Mayella by Tom allows Harper Lee to look in detail at issues of racial and social prejudice in Maycomb. Bob Ewell is the villain of the novel and, as a result of the trial, he tries to get revenge on Atticus and his family. In the trial itself he is revealed as a very unpleasant character. We learn that he drinks and sometimes leaves his family for days, he is violent and he may even be committing incest with Mayella. Atticus establishes that he is left-handed and that Mayella was probably beaten up by a left-handed man - it seems that he, and not Tom Robinson, beat up Mayella after he saw Mayella trying to kiss Tom. Bob therefore lies during the trial and is prepared to sacrifice the life of an innocent man for the sake of his daughter's reputation. His unpleasant behaviour during the trial and his assumption that everybody will be on his side against a black man convince the reader that he is a thoroughly unpleasant character. Mayella Ewing also lies in court but for different reasons to her father. She is the only responsible member of one of the poorest families in Maycomb. She looks after herself and her brothers and sisters and even tries to bring some beauty into their lives by growing geraniums. Her family is so poor that white people will have nothing to do with her and, at that time, it was not possible for her to be friendly with black people. Scout calls her "the loneliest person in the world". Tom Robinson passed her house every day on his way to work and, according to Scout, he was probably the only person who was ever nice to her. Tom's evidence at the trial shows that she had planned to make a pass at him for a long time. It took her nearly a year to save enough money to send all her brothers and sisters into town to get ice creams.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Are the Themes of Loneliness and Isolation Explored in “of Mice and Men”? Essay

How are the themes of loneliness and isolation explored in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†? Born in 1902, John Steinbeck, author of ‘Of Mice and Men’, set his book in the 1930’s. The novel revolves around two hard-working men dependant on one another during the Great Depression, a time when most were alone. Many themes are explored in the novel such as racism, loneliness, disability, isolation and friendship. This essay will be talking about how the themes of loneliness and isolation are explored in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Gender is one way in which Steinbeck illustrates loneliness and isolation. The character of Curley’s wife is used to portray this. Throughout the book Curley’s wife is never referred to her name which is unknown. This suggests that she is a possession belonging to Curley. By not having her name mentioned; Curley’s wife remains distant even though she tells Lennie her life story as without a name she remains mysterious. Her marriage to Curley causes for her to be rejected by the ranch workers when she seeks out their attention and friendship. Therefore she is not only lonely but also isolated as there are only men on the ranch who turn away from her. Critics may argue that Steinbeck was too harsh in not giving a name to Curley’s wife but in my opinion John Steinbeck was only portraying the reality of that particular time period. Steinbeck also uses age to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation. Candy, an old ranch worker, is used to display these themes. As the oldest man on the ranch Candy is the most insecure of the men as he knows that if he was to be fired from his job he would have no other place to go to, what with having no family or friends. This knowledge isolates him from the others as there’s no one whom he can relate to this about. Critics may say that John Steinbeck is stereotyping old people as useless. Another way in which the two themes are explored is through racism. For this John Steinbeck uses Crooks. As a stable buck and a black person, Crooks is isolated from the other characters. He has his own room which may be fortunate but only further alienates him from the other workers. Crooks shows that he is lonely while talking to Lennie, he says, â€Å"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick. † He talks of how he wakes up in the night and sees something but doesn’t know if he was just dreaming, if had a friend he would have asked him. Because of his race Crooks has many disadvantages one of them being that he is not allowed to enter the bunkhouse. Another being that he is abused by the other workers. Crooks is not given a chance to befriend anyone and is therefore both physically and mentally isolated. Lennie shows how disability can lead to loneliness and isolation. His child-like mentality distances him from the other workers. Though he talks to and is talked to by other characters he is isolated in his mind because there is still a separation. His disability causes the other characters on the ranch to treat him as inferior. Lennie was told both Crooks’ and Curley’s wife’s life story but it doesn’t mention in the book whether or not he was really listening when the two confided in him. This makes you doubt whether or not Lennie is actually as he is described. Critics may say that Lennie’s character was too unrealistic and overdrawn. Euthanasia is used to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation. Again Lennie is used to display this along with Candy’s dog. Both of them were in a similar situation where their death was what was best for them. Throughout the book Lennie is described as animalistic which further connects him to Candy’s dog. Lennie was killed by someone who cared about him, George, while Candy had wished to have been the one who had killed his dog. Without his dog Candy was left as lonely because though he still had the others, his dog was the one who was always by his side. It shows that Lennie was truly lonely because when he died though George was shaken he had Slim as a friend to replace Lennie. John Steinbeck uses dreams to show loneliness and isolation. George’s character is used to show this. Although most of the ranch workers like George, he is mentally isolated. This is because of his dream which distances him from the other characters. His dream acts as a burden because in the end he knows that it will never come true. His awareness causes for him to be isolated, lonely and unreachable. Financial status also displays loneliness and isolation. For this the character of Curley is used. Curley can be viewed as the villain in the novel because of the abusive way he treats the other workers. He uses his small size as an advantage. The main difference though between him and the workers is money. Curley is married and yet because he is the boss’s son he doesn’t have to work like the others characters do. He uses the fact that he has authority and dominates the ranch workers. But being the boss’ son only further alienates him from the other characters and causes him to be lonely. Curley’s wife would constantly flirt with the other ranch-hands. This made him a subject of ridicule and further isolated him. Another way in which John Steinbeck uses to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation is through marriage. Curley and his wife are used to depict this. Both of them are stuck in a loveless marriage. Curley’s wife revealed to Lennie that she didn’t like Curley. Ways that you can tell Curley doesn’t love his wife is like the fact that he went to a cat house with the other men. In addition, when his wife was killed he set out to punish Lennie instead of mourning her; this shows that he was more interested in getting back at Lennie for personal reasons instead of losing his wife. Curley and his wife are therefore viewed as lonely. Their title as a married couple also isolates them from others on the ranch as there are expectations of how they should act and who they should talk to. Friendship is used by John Steinbeck to display loneliness and isolation. There are many forms of friendship in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, the main one being George and Lennie’s friendship. The two of them are dependent on one another for different reasons. Lennie needs George to help him because of his mental disability. While George needs Lennie for company. Critics may argue that Steinbeck showed their friendship as abusive and forced. Another friendship brought together by loneliness is Curley’s wife and Lennie. This shows that they were all lonely as they settled for each other purely because they wanted companionship and someone to talk to. John Steinbeck also used other features to display loneliness and isolation. The novel began with a lonely atmosphere as he described the setting. This indicated that there was no-one around to describe or mention which gave you the feeling of isolation. Also the name of the city, Soledad, means solitude and loneliness in Spanish. In conclusion, John Steinbeck explored the themes of loneliness and isolation in many ways, using other themes and features. Although Steinbeck doesn’t allow you to clearly see his characters so you are unable to discern whether they are really lonely and isolated or if they are just portrayed and viewed as lonely and isolated.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing in Today’s Health Care Organizations Essay

Design and functionality of Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (UCMC) This memo contains a brief analysis of the welfare of Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (UCMC). The memo zooms in on the architecture and operation of the facility. It also elaborates an overview of the mechanism of UCMC. Upper Chesapeake Medical Center resides in Bel Air, Maryland in Harford County. The design of each room presents a relaxed, private and calm atmosphere for patients and visitors. In 2008, the facility opened its doors but continued to expand in usefulness and size. A renovation ended in 2008. It brought a new and larger Emergency Department. It also created a facility especially for pediatric patients and surgical and inpatient bed accommodation. The renovation also designed a new and necessary parking garage and physician office structure. The new parking garage offers convenience to patients visiting the new outpatient services. An area beside the Medical Center includes an Ambulatory Care Center. This center houses multiple physician offices, outpatient imaging and laboratory procedures, outpatient pre-assessment testing and Upper Chesapeake Cardiovascular Institute. Upper Chesapeake Health (UCH) distributes health care through Harford County, eastern Baltimore County and western Cecil County. Upper Chesapeake Health employs 2,700 team members and more than 550 medical staff physicians. Upper Chesapeake Medical Center ranked on a high national level in the U. S. News Best Hospitals in three adult attributes. Attributes include Geriatrics, Gastroenterology and Neurology and Neurosurgery. The facility contains 186 hospital beds. It employs 35 full-time physicians and 244 registered nurses. During 2012, the Medical Center received 14,223 admissions, delivered 1,388 babies, and performed 3,925 inpatient and 6,179 outpatient surgeries, and 62,168 emergency room visits. Over 1,000 volunteers donate time to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center and other medical facilities in Harford County. Thank you for taking the time to review my data pertaining to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center. Our Medical Center contains a dedicated staff along with a hospitable design that warms patients upon arrival along with comforting them and visitors during their stay.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quines son indocumentados y cules son sus derechos

Quines son indocumentados y cules son sus derechos La definicià ³n de los indocumentados en Estados Unidos es clara. Son los extranjeros que no tienen estatus migratorio legal y su presencia en los Estados Unidos es objeto de gran debate polà ­tico. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes son indocumentados, cules son sus nà ºmeros y procedencia, quà © sucede si son arrestados, por quà © no regularizan su situacià ³n y, finalmente, cules son sus derechos. Quià ©nes son los indocumentados en Estados Unidos Son las personas de otros paà ­ses que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y  carecen de estatus legal desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias. En general, hay 3  formas en las que un extranjero se convierte en indocumentado: En primer lugar, por cruzar la frontera sin ser examinado por un oficial de inmigracià ³n que autoriza la entrada como admitido o parole. El caso tà ­pico es el de cruzar la frontera entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos, principalmente por el desierto. Esta es una actividad cada vez ms difà ­cil, por el incremento de seguridad en la frontera. Y tambià ©n muy peligrosa, por el tipo de personas inescrupulosas que controlan el cruce ilegal de la frontera y tambià ©n porque cada vez se realiza ms por rutas que cruzan el desierto durante varios dà ­as, lo cual hace que decenas de personas fallezcan cada aà ±o por deshidratacià ³n. Cruzar ilegalmente la frontera se considera como la forma ms frecuente de convertirse en indocumentado. Por la propia naturaleza de que este cruce no est registrado es difà ­cil realizar un clculo exacto. Pero se considera que aproximadamente por cada migrante arrestado cuando intentaba ingresar ilegalmente, 2 migrantes lo han conseguido.   En segundo lugar, entrar con una visa o legalmente como la tarjeta de Cruce o una ESTA por ser de un paà ­s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y quedarse ms all del tiempo autorizado. En el aà ±o fiscal 2015 un total de 525,127 migrantes lo hicieron. Esto es lo que tambià ©n se conoce como overstay de la visa y tiene serias consecuencias. Y, en tercer lugar, cometer una  violacià ³n migratoria.  Un caso tà ­pico, es trabajar sin autorizacià ³n. Nà ºmero de indocumentados en EE.UU. y origen Se estima que aproximadamente en la actualidad hay unos 11.3 millones  de indocumentados, este nà ºmero es menor al mximo histà ³rico del aà ±o 2000. El 52 por ciento del total de indocumentados ha nacido en Mà ©xico. Es decir, aproximadamente 6.5 millones de personas. El segundo paà ­s con ms indocumentados es El Salvador, con ms de medio millà ³n, seguido de Guatemala y Honduras. Muchos indocumentados forman parte de los que se conoce como familias mixtas, es decir, uno o varios de sus miembros carecen de estatus legal y otros son residentes permanentes o, incluso, ciudadanos americanos. Se estima que en la actualidad aproximadamente 4 millones de nià ±os estadounidenses tienen al menos un progenitor que es indocumentado. Pero estos infantes nada pueden hacer por sus padres, desde el punto de vista migratorio, hasta cumplir los 21 aà ±os. E incluso entonces no siempre es posible solucionar el problema. Indocumentado e ilegal Sà ­, desde el punto de vista migratorio es lo mismo un indocumentado que un ilegal. Sin embargo, se considera polà ­ticamente incorrecto dentro de la comunidad latina llamar ilegal a una persona sin estatus migratorio en regla. De hecho, existe una fuerte campaà ±a meditica para conseguir que los medios de comunicacià ³n eviten el uso de esa palabra, que se considera despectiva y que se use exclusivamente la de indocumentado. Quà © les puede suceder a los indocumentados si son detenidos por la migra Los indocumentados pueden ser enviados a prisià ³n mientras se tramita su caso. De hecho, como media cada dà ­a hay ms de 31 mil migrantes detenidos. Adems, pueden ser deportados, expulsados inmediatamente, liberados o pueden incluso en casos muy particulares ajustar su estatus y obtener asà ­ la green card. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes aunque teà ³ricamente son indocumentados estn protegidos frente a la deportacià ³n, como por ejemplo los muchachos que en su dà ­a aplicaron por DACA y estn renovando el programa. En la actualidad, estas son las  categorà ­as de prioridades de deportacià ³n  establecidas por orden ejecutiva de Donald Trump. Cà ³mo un indocumentado puede regularizar su situacià ³n No es imposible pero es difà ­cil. Y es que a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros paà ­ses en Estados Unidos no existe la posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n por radicar en el paà ­s por un nà ºmero de aà ±os. (No es verdad que si se viven 10 aà ±os se obtiene la green card. Eso es un malentendido de una medida de alivio que existe en algunos casos de procedimientos de deportacià ³n ante un juez migratorio). Estas son 15 posibilidades de legalizacià ³n de indocumentados. En ocasiones es necesario pedir un perdà ³n y obtener su aprobacià ³n. Estas son las opciones para solicitar un perdà ³n migratorio, tambià ©n conocido como waiver. Son situaciones muy particulares y delicadas por lo que es aconsejable hablar con un abogado especialista en esos temas, si es posible y si no al menos ponerse en contacto con una organizacià ³n reputada de ayuda legal a migrantes o con clà ­nicas legales de universidades. Derechos de los indocumentados Uno de los conocimientos ms importantes para los migrantes indocumentados es  saber cà ³mo hacer para saber si un indocumentado est detenido por la migra. Tambià ©n es importante saber que se tienen derechos, como a recibir el salario mà ­nimo por el trabajo realizado, a no ser abusado en el trabajo, a recibir ciertas prestaciones sociales, como asistencia mà ©dica de urgencia o alimentos por el programa WIC para lactantes y embarazadas.   Adems, algunos estados algunas categorà ­as de  inmigrantes indocumentados son considerados como PRUCOL. En estos casos podrà ­an tener acceso a beneficios sociales de los que con carcter general estn excluidos los migrantes sin papeles. Asimismo, no olvidar que todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la educacià ³n obligatoria, sean ellos indocumentados o sà ³lo sus paps. Estos son los puntos bsicos que se recomienda conocer sobre el sistema educativo en Estados Unidos.  Todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la mejor educacià ³n disponible. Es de Justicia y se juegan, en muchos casos, su futuro. Por à ºltimo no olvidar que Estados Unidos es un paà ­s muy grande y que los estados tienen distintas posiciones respecto a los indocumentados. Mientras que algunos permiten derechos como la licencia de manejar otros han aprobado leyes que hacen muy difà ­cil vivir el dà ­a a dà ­a. Es por eso que conviene pensar bien dà ³nde vivir, si es que hay esa opcià ³n. Tambià ©n recordar que algunas ciudades mantienen polà ­ticas pro-inmigrantes. Por ejemplo, convirtià ©ndose en ciudades-santuario que no comparten informacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n o emitiendo I.D. para poder abrir cuentas de banco, canjear cheques, etc. Adems, los consulados de varios paà ­ses emiten matrà ­culas consulares que pueden utilizarse como I.D. para gestiones como probar identidad para solicitar permiso de manejar en los estados que lo permiten, etc. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Technology in the 20th Century

Technology in the 20th Century Introduction The constant advancements in technology have continued to affect different aspects of human lives since the 20th century. The impact of technology on man comes about due to the connection between the technological component and the behavior of people towards such advances. As Sander (1999) notes, the 20th century can be said to be the period within which man progressed constantly in terms of technology (Sanders, 1999, p. 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Technology in the 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technology advancements in the 20th century Astronomy is one of the major scientific advancements made in the 20th century with the invention of satellites which have been used for communication purposes, monitoring of weather and observation of sites by military. The invention of astronomy has helped humans in understanding the universe and most importantly, measurements of weath er which has in turn allowed for weather forecasting by meteorologists. These different types of manmade orbits were invented by man during the late 90s to serve their specific functions as mentioned above. Examples of satellites developed in the 20th century include; telescopes, space probes and crafts. Another very significant technological advancement in the 20th century is genetic engineering invented as a biological advancement. Genetic engineering was developed to widen the understanding of the development process of living things. The understanding of development of living things was meant to enable humans attain the capacity to control some calamities such as hunger and diseases (Treat, 2006, p. 1). Similarly, genetic engineering has been used to control behavior of living things such as humans, other animals and even plants by modifying genes into desirable characteristics. Since its invention, genetic engineering has enabled the manipulation of organisms through the proces ses of reproduction and heredity. Similarly, biomedical interventions have since been developing which include; cloning, in vitro fertilization and production of sperm banks among others. The invention of computers and the internet is an equally significant advancement of the 20th century. The internet was invented way back in 1969 in the department of defense in the U.S. Its invention was aimed at enhancing effective communication in all researches related to defense (Bellis, 2011, p. 1). In conjunction with the National Science Foundation, the defense department developed the use of the internet not only within U.S.A, but all over the world. However, the use of internet was still unfamiliar to many until the late 90s when millions of people around the globe claimed internet access. Since then, the internet has been used as a network through which information can be shared all over the world, within organizations and between individuals.Advertising Looking for research pape r on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nuclear energy is also a technological advancement of the 20th century involving the science of physics. The advancements in nuclear energy began way back in 1942 and have continued to develop until 1998. The production of nuclear energy results from reactions which occur as a result of changes in the nucleus of atoms and hence nuclear energy has been presented as the safest source of energy ever since its invention (ThinkQuest. ND, p. 1). This is because its production does not involve environmental risks associated with activities such as burning of fossil fuels. In addition, the invention of nuclear physics has led to the development of nuclear weapons which have been regarded as safety tools. Another important technological invention of the 20th century is in medicine especially the invention of penicillin. Penicillin was initially invented by Alexander Fleming in 19 28 but his discovery was modified in the 1950 with more refined isolation and purification techniques (Mason, 2011, p. 1). This followed the production of various penicillin antibiotics which have been used widely for the treatment of bacterial infections. Some of the most significant uses of penicillin are in the treatment of infections of the urinary tract and the treatment of typhoid and enteric fever. Being the first antibiotic to be discovered, penicillin is the most trusted antibiotic being used worldwide. The technology advancements of the 20th century also saw the invention of synthetic fibers as part of chemical science. The process of producing synthetic fibers was invented in 1902 though the very first developments were made in 1945 in the United States (Jupiter scientific.1999, p. 1). Almost all the materials and products used today originate from synthetics. Similarly, synthetic food additives were also developed in the late 80s including flavorings, sweeteners and colo rants. In addition, the technological advancements of the 20th century on synthetics, led to the development of synthetic chemical agents which have been used for the treatment of bacterial infections. Conclusion Of all the technologies developed in the 20th century, the advancement of computers and internet has had the greatest impact on modern lives. This is because the world is becoming more and more business oriented and the use of computers and the internet in running every day-to-day operation for businesses has been an effective venture.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Technology in the 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Computers have made business operations much faster and efficient such as record keeping and financial analysis. Similarly, the use of computers has lessened the number of individual workers and hence reduced expenditure for business in terms of wages. In addition, the int ernet has enabled people and organizations to share information at a faster speed compared to other modes of communicating such as letters and telegrams. Reference List Bellis, M. (2011). 20th century timeline: 1900 – 1999. Retrieved from, Jupiter scientific. (1999). A century of discoveries in physics. Retrieved from, Mason, R. (2011). Technological advances in the 20th century. Retrieved from, ThinkQuest. (ND). Nuclear energy. Retrieved from, Treat, A. (2006). Major developments in instructional technology: during the 20th  century. Retrieved from, Sanders, R. (1999). Technology in a paradigm of century. Retrieved from, Looking for research paper on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Deferred or Waitlisted Students Can Do to Improve Their Chances

What Deferred or Waitlisted Students Can Do to Improve Their Chances Students that have been deferred or waitlisted from their top choice school face a big dilemma. Should they just sit tight or is there anything they can do to better their chances of getting accepted? Understanding the Difference Between Deferred and Waitlisted Being deferred from a college is not the same as being placed on the waitlist. Most college deferrals occur when a student has applied early action (EA) or early decision (ED) to a college.  When a college defers an applicant, it means their application has been changed to a regular decision (RD) application and will be re-considered during the normal admissions review.  If the original application was a binding ED, it no longer is and the student can choose to go to another school even if accepted in the regular process. Waitlisted means that the applicant has not been accepted but could still be considered if enough students that were accepted choose not to attend the college. Even though being waitlisted sounds better than being rejected, odds of getting off a waitlist are not in a student’s favor. Christine K. VanDeVelde, journalist and coauthor of the book College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step, explains, â€Å"Waitlists were much smaller 15-20 years ago before the common application. Colleges need to meet their enrollment numbers. With more students sending in applications, it is harder for schools to predict how many students will accept their offer so waitlists tend to be larger.† Re-Evaluate if the School Is the Right School Not being accepted to a first choice college can be upsetting. But before doing anything else, students that have been deferred or waitlisted should re-evaluate and determine whether the school is still their first choice. Several months will have passed since a student has sent in their application for consideration. In that time, some things may have changed, and it is possible a student may not be as confident that their original first choice school is still the right choice. For some students, a deferral or waitlist turns out to be good thing and an opportunity to find another school that is a better fit. What Can  Students Do if They Have Been Waitlisted? Students are not usually placed on a waitlist but told that they can choose to be placed on the waitlist.  VanDeVelde explains, â€Å"Students need to respond by submitting a form or emailing the college by a set date. If you dont, you will not be placed on the waitlist.† The waitlist letter will also let students know what, if any, additional information they will need to submit to the school, such as sending in recent grades or additional letters of recommendation. VanDelde cautions,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Colleges usually give clear directions. Its in the students best interest to follow them.† Students that have been waitlisted may not find out until August if they have been accepted, so they do need to make a deposit at another college even if the school they have been waitlisted at remains their first choice. What Can  Students Do if They Have Been Deferred? If a student has been deferred and is 100% confident he still wants to attend the school, there are things he can do to improve his chances. Call the Admissions Office VanDeVelde says, â€Å"A student, NOT a parent, can call or email the admissions office to ask for feedback on why the student wad deferred. Maybe they are concerned about a certain grade and want to see if the student improves over the semester.† VanDeVelde advises students to advocate for themselves in a clear and articulate manner. Says VanDeVelde, â€Å"This is not about bringing pressure. It is about whether the school has room for the student.†Ã‚   Send Additional Information Make sure updated grades/transcripts have been sent in a timely manner. Beyond recent grades, students can also update the school on their recent accomplishments, honors, etc. Students can email this information to admissions along with a letter reiterating their interest and commitment to attending the school. Students may consider sending additional recommendations.  Brittany Maschal, a private college counselor, says, â€Å"An extra letter from a teacher, coach or someone else close to the student who can speak to what they have done to contribute to the university may be helpful.† Do not send recommendations from successful or famous alumni of the school unless the person truly knows the student. Maschal explains, â€Å"Many students ask if these types of letters are helpful and the answer is no. A big name vouching for you generally will not help as a stand-alone factor.† Ask Guidance Office for Assistance An admissions office may provide additional details as to why a student was deferred to a school counselor. A school counselor can also advocate on a student’s behalf. Request an Interview Some schools offer applicant interviews on or off campus with alumni or admissions representatives. Visit the College If time permits, consider visiting or re-visiting the campus. Sit in on a class, stay overnight, and take advantage of any admissions events/programming you may not have during the initial process. Consider Re-Taking Standardized Test or Taking Additional Tests As this can be time consuming, it is probably only worthwhile if the school has directly expressed concern over the test scores. Keep Grades Up and Continue With Activities Many students get second semester senioritis.  Their grades might fall or they may slack off on extracurricular activities–especially if they are feeling dejected about not getting an immediate acceptance from a first choice school.  But these senior year grades can be a determining factor for admission. Guest columnist Randi Mazzella is a freelance writer and mother of three.  She primarily writes about parenting, family life and teen issues.  Her work has appeared in many online and print publications including Teen Life, Your Teen, Scary Mommy, SheKnows and  Grown and Flown.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Epidemics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Epidemics - Essay Example For example, the fear about epidemics is growing in Nepal at present because of the recent earthquake. Many of the people in Nepal are still struggling because of this earthquake. Majority of the people in Nepal are living in open streets at the moment. These streets are not much clean at the moment because of earthquake. Diseases or epidemics can develop in these streets at any time. It is difficult to control or treat an epidemic once it occurs. There are no effective methods for the treatment or controlling of epidemics. Each epidemic may have different characteristics and different control measures are required to prevent them. In any case, vaccination is the first method of prevention of spreading of epidemic. Once, the epidemic starts striking an area, all the people in that area should be vaccinated first. Moreover, people in the affected area should be educated about the necessities of taking precautionary measures that prevent the spreading of the epidemic. The victims should be advised to wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand cleaners before taking foods. Victims should be advised to avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes with dirty hands. Moreover, the victims should be advised to wear face masks in order to avoid breathing of contaminated air. Epidemics are severe diseases that can spread within a short period to much wider areas. It is caused by natural disasters and changes in the ecology. Victims of epidemic should be given vaccines first and they should be advised to take control measures such as washing hands before food and wearing mouth

Friday, October 18, 2019

An interventional approach for patient and nurse safety Dissertation

An interventional approach for patient and nurse safety - Dissertation Example The theoretical framework that was used in this study was the model of impaired sleep developed by Lee et al. The framework is based on a scientific theory (Burns & Grove, 2009) as it uses previous research linking sleep quality with errors and lack of alertnessTheoretical Model Discussion The theoretical framework is clearly discussed as having a direct significance with the research topic It is stated impaired sleep consists of either sleep deprivation (inadequate sleep) or sleep disruption (fragmented sleep). The model implies that impaired sleep results in cognitive, behavioural, physiological, social, and emotional responses. The paper elaborates how a targeted fatigue countermeasures program for nurses (FCMPN) can intervene and prevent or alleviate the cognitive and behavioural impacts (like sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, and alertness) and reduce patient-care errors. The following figure from the paper captures the conceptual and the theoretical framework employed: The fr amework is therefore discussed well to outline what variables are to be measured pre and post the FCMPN intervention. 2. Major Study Variables Research Variables: 1. Sleep Quality 2. Sleep Duration 3. Daytime Sleepiness 4. Vigilance 5. Risk for Accidents and Errors 6. Short Term Memory 7. Problem Solving and Coping. Conceptual Definition Sleep Duration was defined as the time duration that participants spent in uninterrupted sleep. Sleep Quality was clearly conceptualized to mean sleep which is not fragmented and which is of adequate duration. While the remaining variables were not clearly defined, conceptually they could be understood to mean the following: Daytime Sleepiness – tendency to doze during the daytime work-hours Vigilance – Drowsiness and Unplanned Sleep Episodes during work hours Risk for Errors – Any perceived deviations from standard practice Short Term Memory – Recall of errors Problem Solving and Coping – How errors were managed O perational Definition Sleep Duration was measured using the log book entries made by the participants. Sleep Quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index PSQI (Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman, & Kupfer, 1989). Daytime Sleepiness was measured using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Johns, 1991) while other variables (Vigilance, Risk for Accidents and Errors, Short Term Memory, Problem Solving and Coping) were measured using the log book entries using the self-report method 3. Sample and Setting a. Sample Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Full-Time Hospital Staff Surgical nurses were used as the sample. In addition, the selection criteria included that the nurses should be working at least 36 hour per week. Advanced practice nurses, nurse managers, or nurses in specialized roles such as discharge planning were excluded. b. Sampling Method The paper mentions using three surgical nursing units in Michigan using convenience method for selection, though the rationale or the specific fa ctors that led to the selection of the method is not listed. The qualifying nurses were contacted using the official mailing list and out of the 126, 62 consented to participate in the research. c. Sample Size 62 Power analysis indicated that 30 sample size would be sufficient to establish the impacts of FCMPN on the variables that are researched. d. Refusal to Participate Number and Percentage 62 out of the 147 full-time hospital staff nurses (43%). e. Sample attrition or Mortality Number and Percentage Out of the 62 selected for participation, 15 (24%) did not continue with the study for the complete duration. f. Informed Consent Process/Institutional Review Board The 147 nurses that comprised of the qualified the inclusion criteria were sent a preliminary survey to provide demographic information and give their interest to participate. Once the intent of

Scientific considerations of carbon footprint Essay

Scientific considerations of carbon footprint - Essay Example This is a reason for the alert signal the global warming has created the worldover. The CO2 emission in UK households is shown below, the transport and energy consumption being the biggest emitters (Fig. 1 . from Weidmann and Minx 2007 from SEI et. al. 2006). FIG. 1 1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Report The present report is an attempt to search for the answers of the following: 1. What are the probable effects of climate change on our economy 2. What are the options to the local authorities to reduce carbon footprint of their area.What are their strengths and constraints 3. How do corporate can help combat global warming. Can they be model for cognitive approach to this issue. 4. How sustainable development is linked to environment management 1.3 Effects of Climate Changes on our Economy The climate change due to carbon emission may affect the world economy as follows: - The productivity of food to be reduced, increasing the prices of all basic commodities along with food - Increasing the household and business consumption of energy and costs since coolinguses more energy than heating. - Increasing heat related illnesses and infectious diseases affecting quality of life - Damage to the natural environment and disturbing the biodiversity - Parts of Africa and Asia may become uninhabitable through drought or flooding as aresult other parts of world coming under pressure due to migration (Man.CityCouncil,2008)). 2. Role of Local Bodies in Tackling Climate Change Issue 2.1 OPTIONS AND INITIATIVES Consider an example of Manchester in UK. The Manchester City Council (2008) quotes DEFRA (2004)... Weidmann and Minx (2007) include only CO2 in the analysis though greenhouse gases are a mixture methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide etc.,along with CO2, many of these cannot be measured like CO2. Moreover, they feel when all gases included it should be termed 'climate footprint' instead since many of the gases do not even have carbon. The emission of greenhouse gases cause global warming i.e. the global temperature may increase more than 2oC by the end of this century. The government has proposed a Climate Change Bill whereby a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050 has been set. But there are doubts about this target as the research indicated that reduction in carbon footprint should exceed 60% to keep temperature increase within 20C. This is a reason for the alert signal the global warming has created the worldover. The CO2 emission in UK households is shown below, the transport and energy consumption being the biggest emitters (Fig. 1 . from Weidmann and Minx 2007 from SEI et. al. 2006). Consider an example of Manchester in UK. The Manchester City Council (2008) quotes DEFRA (2004) that the city emits over 3.3 million tonnes of CO2 annually. The break up is 47% commercial, 30% domestic and 23% transport.

Growth through Internationalisation among Entrepreneurial Firms Essay

Growth through Internationalisation among Entrepreneurial Firms - Essay Example . The study of internationalization and its effects on growth of entrepreneurial firms have been studied using secondary data from relevant articles. These articles are chosen based on its topic and content, which is relevant in the study of internationalization and its effect on the growth of entrepreneurial companies. Each of the articles is thoroughly analyzed and the information recovered from them is used to discuss its implications on entrepreneurial activities. The journal article by Buckley and Hashai is chosen for its analysis. Their article â€Å"Formalizing internationalization in the eclectic paradigm† is based on an equilibrium model which describes internationalization in the light of competitive advantage. It explains why firms adopt overseas expansion strategies and how it acts on behalf of their growth. The aim and objective of this article are to establish a formalized theory on internationalization in the light of eclectic paradigm by reconfiguring certain ne o-classical economic theories. A set of inequalities has been formulated to establish the role of eclectic paradigm in overseas expansion. The equilibrium is based on the concept of ownership advantage, location advantage, and internalization advantage which has been incorporated into the general equilibrium model, mostly preferred by economists. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is explained as an operation model which maximized the utility of workers and entrepreneurs simultaneously. A firm adopts an overseas operation only when the total utility received from FDI activities in a host country is more than the total utility received from the exports, domestic consumption and inward FDI. The three elements of the eclectic paradigm are ownership, location and internalization advantages. These are continuous in nature and often tend to support each other. The decrease in one advantage can be compensated by the other two. These competitive advantages are leveraged by the entrepreneurial firms to enhance their growth overseas and gain an edge over its competitors.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Proof reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proof reading - Essay Example This is achieved by removing the device-specific hardware dependencies, which were previously part of almost any software development effort. Moreover, DirectX performance capabilities are similar or equal to those provided in DOS but allows hardware to be fully utilized. Multi-agent systems deal with the construction of complex systems involving multiple agents and their coordination. A multi-agent system (MAS) is a distributed computing system with autonomous interacting intelligent agents that coordinate their actions so as to achieve its goal(s) jointly or competitively. Agent technologies are now being applied to the development of large-scale commercial and industrial software systems. Such systems are complex, involving hundreds, perhaps thousands of agents and there is a pressing need for system modeling techniques that permit their complexity to be effectively managed, along with principled methodologies to guide the process of system design. Without adequate techniques to support the design process, such systems will not be sufficiently reliable, maintainable or extensible, will be difficult to comprehend, and their elements will not be re-usable. Kinetics calls into play a large number of concepts that are new to AI, for example, corporation, coordination and satisfaction. The difference between AI and kinetics is that with AI it is the individual that is intelligent, whereas with kinetics it is the organization that displays functionalities that can be characterized as intelligent. The main goal of the distributed system is the carrying out of tasks by making the best use of physically distributed resources (for example, memory, processor, data managers). On the other hand, the system of kinetics is much more open. The multi-agent system takes an overview and summary of the problem of interaction between individual entities, considering the distributed system as being merely one possible

Artical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Artical Review - Essay Example It was determined that those students, whose instructors implemented SIOP model had a better chance to improve their writing than those who did not use it. SIOP makes the instructions more understandable for learners that is very important for the learning process. The authors state: â€Å"SI provides useful strategies and techniques for making instruction more understandable for ELLs, but without a scientifically validated model to guide teachers in lesson planning and lesson delivery, it will not be consistent within and across classrooms. For change to occur in teaching practice that leads to improved academic performance by students, teachers cannot simply select their favorite techniques; implementation of high-quality instruction must be systematic and steered by research† (Echevarria, Vogt & Short, 2006, p. 207). The authors point out that the given research is examining only the effect of SIOP implementation on writing and further research is needed to examine its effe ct on reading. 2. "Implementing Structured English Immersion (SEI) in Arizona: Benefits, Costs, Challenges, and Opportunities" by S. Rios?Aguilar, M. Gonzalez?Canche and L. Moll. The article discusses the issues connected with ELD block implementation. The study was conducted in the form of interview with 26 instructors of the English language contacted through the phone. They were asked three questions: (1) what the process of ELD block implementation is; (2) what the benefits of it are; (3) what the main problems connected with its implementation are. It is important to notice that the coordinators contacted were from different districts. This was done in order to determine if ELD block in implemented in all the regions. The research showed that it was really implemented in all the regions, but implemented differently. It is interesting that the majority of interviewed people stated that it would be better if they had not implemented ELD block. However, they admitted that it helps make the instructions more understandable for students. But the number of drawbacks was much higher. The authors state that â€Å"ELCs mentioned that the implementation of the 4-hour ELD block has: (1) neglected core areas of academic content that are critical for ELL students’ academic success and graduation, (2) contributed to ELL students’ isolation, (3) limited ELL students opportunities for on-time high school graduation—potentially increasing drop out--and for college readiness, and (4) assumed that English language learning can be accomplished for all ELL students within an unrealistic timeframe and under a set of unrealistic conditions† (Rios?Aguilar, Gonzalez?Canche and Moll 2010, p.3). 3. â€Å"99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners† by M. Vogt & J. Echevarria The book â€Å"99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners† by Vogt & Echevarria is already thorough and perfect explanation of SIOP model: â€Å"E ffective SIOP teachers incorporate into their lesson plans multiple opportunities for their students to use English, in writing, in reading, and in interaction with the teacher and other students. SIOP ® teachers also provide time for students to process in English what they are hearing prior to answering questions or participating in discussion†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Proof reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proof reading - Essay Example This is achieved by removing the device-specific hardware dependencies, which were previously part of almost any software development effort. Moreover, DirectX performance capabilities are similar or equal to those provided in DOS but allows hardware to be fully utilized. Multi-agent systems deal with the construction of complex systems involving multiple agents and their coordination. A multi-agent system (MAS) is a distributed computing system with autonomous interacting intelligent agents that coordinate their actions so as to achieve its goal(s) jointly or competitively. Agent technologies are now being applied to the development of large-scale commercial and industrial software systems. Such systems are complex, involving hundreds, perhaps thousands of agents and there is a pressing need for system modeling techniques that permit their complexity to be effectively managed, along with principled methodologies to guide the process of system design. Without adequate techniques to support the design process, such systems will not be sufficiently reliable, maintainable or extensible, will be difficult to comprehend, and their elements will not be re-usable. Kinetics calls into play a large number of concepts that are new to AI, for example, corporation, coordination and satisfaction. The difference between AI and kinetics is that with AI it is the individual that is intelligent, whereas with kinetics it is the organization that displays functionalities that can be characterized as intelligent. The main goal of the distributed system is the carrying out of tasks by making the best use of physically distributed resources (for example, memory, processor, data managers). On the other hand, the system of kinetics is much more open. The multi-agent system takes an overview and summary of the problem of interaction between individual entities, considering the distributed system as being merely one possible

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tono-Bungay by H.G. Wells Essay Example for Free

Tono-Bungay by H.G. Wells Essay Tono-Bungay narrates the story of George Ponderevo and how his childhood was developed at the Bladesover House and in other places that he went to after his experience at the said house. Chapter 1 showed his relationship with his mother and gave the readers a glimpse of his personality and what the thought of England and London. He also related how his mother went through her job and how she brought up the narrator as he was growing up. Chapter 2 then showed the narrator’s experience at the Bladesover House, particularly his cousin Nicodemus. George Ponderevo gave a critique of religion by depicting his cousin Nicodemus and his wife as a superstitious lot and how Nicodemus lost his spine and how he could not stand up to his wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After George’s experience at Bladesover House, his mother brought him to Wimblehurst where he became an apprentice to his uncle. During this time, his worldview developed by his stay at Bladesover House was being changed thanks to his uncle. In the end, however, George became disappointed with his uncle. He saw his uncle as somebody with big promises but with no capability in fulfilling them. The adventures of George continued as he became a student in London. He also witnessed the rise of Tono-Bungay and its money making schemes. As he went through school, he also learns about social norms and the difficulties of relating with the aristocracy. The narrator presents a criticism of the social norms and the lifestyles of the people in London. Yet, as he goes through his education, he also realizes how out of place he was and he thought of ways to improve his lot even with the repeated calls of people that he failed. Work Cited Well, H. G. Tono Bungay. New York: Kessinger Publishing, 2003.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critique of how to fix financial reporting

Critique of how to fix financial reporting This report has been taken from businessweek and is written by David Bogoslaw. He is a graduate form the University of Columbia. His main field of research and reporting includes energy, chemical industry, science and culture. The basic aim of this report is to identify the loopholes in financial reporting and find solutions to improve the transparency in it. In the wake of current crisis the report has much importance as some of the causes of this recent turmoil I context of financial reporting are discussed. The report suggests that a major overhaul of the global financial reporting frame work is required. Although many reforms and some basic structural make over are needed but main focus of the report remains the transparency and accuracy in financial information. Bogoslaw claims that one of the major fact behind this financial crisis is the risky investments which has forced the paper based financial derivative economy to collapse. Banks and mortgage landing companies are the worst victim of this current financial crisis as they have failed to recognise the risk in their products because of the complex nature of the products. The report also tells that some confusing accounting practices have misled the investor by giving wrong and biased information. Most of the financial annalists are regulators are agreed on the basic principle to get the investors confidence back all the financial institutions will have to improve transparency in their reporting structure. The author has focused in four major areas where he believes that the financial management of any firm have to look for loopholes and work out the possible solutions to fix them. According to Professor Paul Miller who teaches accounting at the University of Colorado, its time for companies to change their view about capital markets. In the past three decades they have successfully identified some of the major elements for their growth and success but they have failed to recognise the importance of one very important factor. They have managed to build customer loyalty and employee support through better care and incentives. They have also adopted just-in-time supply chain management and effective use of information technology has developed good communication with their suppliers. But he thinks that most of the companies have failed to recognise the importance the forth factor which is capital market. Miller argues that a firm must inform capital market about prospective cash flow and intended use of the gained capital. He argues that little or biased information will have negative effect of firms reputation. In his views managers in the capital markets are competent enough to figure out any doubtful financial information provided by the company and are in a better position to take decision about the investment. William Isaac who has been chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in mid 1980s blames FABSs 15 years old rule which requires assets to be valued at their current market value. He believes that this rule puts companies in a difficult position to use this rule when the value of their assets has a temporary decline. This further forces the company to write down their asset values and thus equity is destroyed. But SEC and FASB have developed a new way to over come this by allowing companys top management to use their own financial models to value assets when their value has a huge decline in the market. Miller also focuses on making derivatives more transparent. He argues that its time to regain the investors confidence for financial stability. He believes that some of the financial reporting practices have to be reformed. Off -balance-sheet financing and pension fund accounting practices under U.S GAAP have to be reformed. IASB and FASB are working together to improve the qualitative characteristics of financial reports, they have successful in the formation of FAS 158 under which pension fund assets and liabilities are shown on the firms balance sheet as net amount instead of in footnotes. In his views, banks now have to introduce plain-vanilla investment products. Kenneth Scott who is a professor at Stanford University thinks that trust for securitized assets like CMO,s can only be gained by improving transparency among these assets as the current structure of these assets is very complex e.g;CMO,s CDO,s and CDO squared mixed up and they confuse the investor. The complex structure almost made it impossible for asset managers to calculate the losses in all these assets. Scotts suggests that to improve the transparency for these complex structured securitized asset there is need of a basic data bank. He thinks that this is the time for us to realise the need of an electronic financial reporting system. A data base which get all the related financial information and process it to make information more accurate and useful, this will further reduce the uncertainty. To achieve this, credit rating agencies can contribute much as they already have data collected which they use to identify the amount of risk associated with individuals and companies when it comes to financial decision making process. Philip Moyer who is chief executive of EDGAR online, emphasis the use of electronic data base formats. According to him this will give analyst and regulators more time and freedom to analyze the data. XBRL is one the most successful software used by many countries to analyze and compare companys financial data with much ease. One the other hand Cindy Fornelli, who is executive director of the Washington based Centre for Audit Quality, says that investors need to get more access to tools which can help them to understand deeply the financial statements of any company before making any investment decision. CQA has recently completed a year and half long study which was focused on the possible ways to improve the financial reporting structure. The key participants were investors, company officials former chairman of SEC and a state Attorney General. They suggests that financial reports should identify the key performance indicators for the industry in which the firm is trading. This will enable the investor to compare this with other companies and the overall condition of the industry. Introduction I have been asked to write a critique on David Bogoslaw report how to fix financial reporting. This report has been published in Business Week Online and is important in context of recent financial crisis. Bogoslaw has carefully presented the views of some of the major finance and accounting professionals. Almost 95% of the report is based on the views of these professionals. This report is also a study in the financial crisis and the role of financial reporting in this regard. First I will analyze the key substantive issues raised by the article and then will check the overall reliability of the stated facts and criticism about financial reporting. Substantive Issues The report How to Fix Financial Reporting has four main substantive issue to look at and they are as follows: Complexity in derivatives Capital market ignorance Role of electronic financial reporting Off balance sheet financing Complexity in derivatives One of the major element which has shaken the investors trust in the capital market is the complexity which lies in the derivatives. They confuse the investor and it becomes almost impossible for an investor to judge the risk involve in these products. On the other hand Kenneth Scott who is a professor at Stanford University thinks that trust for securitized assets like CMO,s can only be gained by improving transparency among these assets. The current structure of these assets is very complex as CMO,s CDO,s and CDO squared are pooled together. The complex structure almost made it impossible for asset managers to calculate the losses in all these assets. Bogle et al (2009),suggests that in a risk aware culture banks and other lending or mortgage originators must consider the creditworthiness of the borrower. Transparency enables investors to have a reasonable basis for their views and reveals existing and potential conflicts of interest. It is suggested by the report that to get the investors back on track banks now have to introduce plain-vanilla investment products for a short period of time. This seems obvious as banks are mostly hit by this global economics slow down. According to Derman (2009), banks now have to take time to consider the risk involve with any kind of decision. This can be achieved by reducing the complexity in the financial products. As plain vanilla products are less complex so the investors are more attracted to less complex products as they believe that they are well aware of the risk involved in these products. Scotts suggests that to improve the transparency for all these complex structured securitized asset there is need of basic data bank. To get such a data bank which have all the information regarding all these asset pools is very difficult. Capital Market Ignorance The report suggests that companies have failed to recognise the real importance of the capital market. The relationship between firms financial management and the capital market is very important for the success of any firm. According to Professor Paul Miller who teaches accounting at the University of Colorado, its time for companies to change their view about capital markets. In the past three decades they have successfully identified some of the major elements for their growth and success but they have failed to recognise the importance of one very important factor. They have managed to build customer loyalty and employee support through better care and incentives. They have also adopted just-in-time supply chain management and effective use of information technology has developed good communication with their suppliers. But he thinks that most of the companies have failed to recognise the importance the forth factor which is capital market. Miller argues that a firm must inform c apital market about prospective cash flow and intended use of the gained capital. He argues that little or biased information will have negative effect of firms reputation. In his views managers in the capital markets are competent enough to figure out any doubtful financial information provided by the company and are in a better position to take decision about the investment. Role of electronic financial reporting This has been suggested in the report by Scotts that one of the possible way to achieve transparency in some complex structured securitized assets is by using a basic data bank. He thinks that this is the time for us to realise the need of an electronic financial reporting system. A data base which get all the related financial information and process it to make information more accurate and useful, this will further reduce the uncertainty. To achieve this, credit rating agencies can contribute much as they already have data collected which they use to identify the amount of risk associated with individuals and companies when it comes to financial decision making process. Philip Moyer who is chief executive of EDGAR online, emphasis the use of electronic data base formats. According to him this will give analyst and regulators more time and freedom to analyze the data. XBRL is one the most successful software used by many countries to analyze and compare companys financial data with much ease .most finance executive accepted the Sec mandate on XBRL. Although this software is really helpful in representation of financial data but company has to consider some critical issues in using these products. According to Stuart(2009), its companys own responsibility to validate data. Finance staff should make sure that the tags in XBRL should match taxonomy and the underlying 10-Q or 10-K before it goes off to SEC. XBRL has a framework which guides companies to prepare financial statements according International Accounting Standard. This has been shown in the fig1. source: Off-balance sheet financing and operating lease Off-balance-sheet financing has been criticised by Miller in this report. He believes that companies take advantage of the current GAAP rules when it comes to the operating lease. He believes that some of the financial reporting practices have to be reformed. Off -balance-sheet financing and pension fund accounting practices under U.S GAAP have to be reformed. IASB and FASB are working together to improve the qualitative characteristics of financial reports, they have successful in the formation of FAS 158 under which pension fund assets and liabilities are shown on the firms balance sheet as net amount instead of in footnotes. Finance directors prefer operating lease as it makes their balance sheet shrink. As a general rule-of-thumb a lease does not have to be capitalised so long as the net present value of the lease liabilities amounts to less than 90% of the actual value of the asset. According to Andrew Lennard of Britians Accounting Board the distinction between operating lease and finance lease is a fine line. If a lease is giving the company control like of ownership then the accounts should reflect that. So all the lease should be on the balance sheet. This can misled the investors and other stake holders like credit companies as if they capitalise their operating lease their gearing ratios will shoot up. But off-balance-sheet financing can be a useful tool. This compels the investors to look deeply into the some kind of off-the-book deals. But many companies are reluctant to provide such kind of information. So the key issue remains the disclosure (Feldman, Amy 2002). Validity of the implied criticism of corporate financial reporting To validate any of the criticism made in this article we have to look into the related literature and some the regulation which govern the financial practices in the market. The most important things to consider in this regard is the conceptual framework and qualitative characteristics of financial information. The qualitative characteristics of financial information defines four main characteristics in any financial information namely; reliability, comparability, understanding and relevance. The reports says that investors confidence in markets can only be regained by improving the financial transparency. So basically the author suggests that reliability of the financial information has to be achieved. For financial information to be reliable it must be free from errors. The presentation should be faithful and neutral. It has to be prudent and complete(Elliott Elliott 2008). The author believes that many companies have failed to provide accurate and complete information about their financial standing which is against the qualitative characteristics of financial information. The report also discuss the off-balance sheet finance and operating leases as the current structure of financial reporting makes it hard for a common investor to recognise and understand the firms real financial position. We again look this fact from the perspective of qualitative characteristics of financial reporting and come up with the answer that these practices reduce the understandbility of the information. The report emphasis that it is basic responsibility of firms management to keep capital markets informed about their financial standing. Deliberately biased information will effect the companys reputation and will have a negative effect on their over all performance. This comes under the objectives of financial reporting as governments and other agencies like capital markets are also the come under one the main user group of firms financial information in the form of financial statements(Elliott Elliott 2008) Conclusions: Although finance has never been a previous reporting filed for David Bogoslaw but he has produced a very good and comprehensive report on a very complex subject with the help of professional approach. The major part of the report consists of financial and accounting personalities of decent repute which makes this report more attractive. The report basically emphasis the need of more transparency in financial reporting structure. The four major areas of concern in this report are short shrift to capital markets, restructuring of complex derivatives, need for electronic financial reporting and some basic changes in accounting techniques. The author has been successful in sending his message out about the role of financial reporting in current financial crisis. Need for a basic financial data base has been conveyed in the report. This data base will not only speed up the process of financial reporting but also make this information more timely and reliable.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

History of Turkey and the European Union Essay -- Turkey History Polit

History of Turkey and the European Union Turkey has had a long history with Europe and the European Union that stretches back many years. In 1952, Turkey joined the United States and most of Western Europe in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey would look at this as the first step toward European acceptance, which had been so important to the country's founder and hero, Kemal Ataturk. It would become an associate member of the Western European Union.[1] As early as 1959, Turkey tried to gain entrance into what is now the European Union, then known as the European Economic Community (EEC).[2] Under the Ankara Agreement of 1963, Turkey became an associate member of the EEC.[3] Denied entrance into the European Union in 1987, Turkey still continued to push for membership.[4] The next pivotal moment came in 1996 when Turkey was admitted into the European Union's Customs Union.[5] However, it was disappointed a year later when Turkey was not listed as part of the European Union's plans for enlargement. Fin ally, in 1999 at the Helsinki summit, Turkey was named as a candidate country.[6] This meant that Turkey was one step away from starting the accession process and realizing its goal of becoming a recognized member of Europe. Requirements to Join the European Union The European Union has specific yet numerous qualifications that must be met before accession. The European Council set the criteria for accession in June of 1993. It stated first that a country must have strong democratic institutions, including the rule of law and a guarantee of civil rights. A viable economic market must exist, along with evidence that the economy of the applicant country can compete with those already in the EU. Al... ...Opportunity in Turkey, Financial Times, Oct. 21 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Database,? Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). Gherghisan, Mihaela, ?Verheugen Careful about Turkish EU Accession,, Apr. 29 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Database,? Lexis-Nexis (8 October 2003). Heper, Metin. Historical Dictionary of Turkey. 2nd ed. Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2002. EU Enlargement Commissioner Says Turkey Giving ?Mixed Picture,? ? AFX.? Com, Oct. 27 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Databas? Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). ?EU/Turkey: Euro 145 Million Pre-Accession Aid Package Granted to ? Ankara,? European Report, Oct. 29 (2003).? Academic Search Premier? Database, Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). ?EU/Turkey: Gunter Verheugen Cites 2011 as Possible Membership? Date,? European Report, Apr. 30 (2003). Academic Search Premier History of Turkey and the European Union Essay -- Turkey History Polit History of Turkey and the European Union Turkey has had a long history with Europe and the European Union that stretches back many years. In 1952, Turkey joined the United States and most of Western Europe in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey would look at this as the first step toward European acceptance, which had been so important to the country's founder and hero, Kemal Ataturk. It would become an associate member of the Western European Union.[1] As early as 1959, Turkey tried to gain entrance into what is now the European Union, then known as the European Economic Community (EEC).[2] Under the Ankara Agreement of 1963, Turkey became an associate member of the EEC.[3] Denied entrance into the European Union in 1987, Turkey still continued to push for membership.[4] The next pivotal moment came in 1996 when Turkey was admitted into the European Union's Customs Union.[5] However, it was disappointed a year later when Turkey was not listed as part of the European Union's plans for enlargement. Fin ally, in 1999 at the Helsinki summit, Turkey was named as a candidate country.[6] This meant that Turkey was one step away from starting the accession process and realizing its goal of becoming a recognized member of Europe. Requirements to Join the European Union The European Union has specific yet numerous qualifications that must be met before accession. The European Council set the criteria for accession in June of 1993. It stated first that a country must have strong democratic institutions, including the rule of law and a guarantee of civil rights. A viable economic market must exist, along with evidence that the economy of the applicant country can compete with those already in the EU. Al... ...Opportunity in Turkey, Financial Times, Oct. 21 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Database,? Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). Gherghisan, Mihaela, ?Verheugen Careful about Turkish EU Accession,, Apr. 29 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Database,? Lexis-Nexis (8 October 2003). Heper, Metin. Historical Dictionary of Turkey. 2nd ed. Lanham, Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2002. EU Enlargement Commissioner Says Turkey Giving ?Mixed Picture,? ? AFX.? Com, Oct. 27 (2003).? Academic Search Premier Databas? Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). ?EU/Turkey: Euro 145 Million Pre-Accession Aid Package Granted to ? Ankara,? European Report, Oct. 29 (2003).? Academic Search Premier? Database, Lexis-Nexis (29 October 2003). ?EU/Turkey: Gunter Verheugen Cites 2011 as Possible Membership? Date,? European Report, Apr. 30 (2003). Academic Search Premier